ZW3D 2021 beta is now open for testing!

Electrode Focus, a third-party plug-in developed by FOV, is now available in ZW3D2020, providing specialized tools to help you design electrodes with higher efficiency.

ZW3D 2020: Design and Manufacture Complex Products More Easily

ZW3D 2020 Beta - CAM Module: Manufacture More Easily and Efficiently
In ZW3D 2020 Beta, many enhancements have been added to turning, 2X and 3X milling to further increase the ease of use and machining efficiency.

In ZW3D 2020 Beta, the mold and electrode modules have been further improved, delivering more powerful industry applications.

ZW3D 2020 Beta - CAD Module: Tackle More Complex Product Design
Useful new features of modeling, assembly, PMI, 2D drawing and file management have been added to the CAD module of ZW3D 2020 Beta.